Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How To Conceal A Fever Blister

B. The Coming of Mhoris

February (2003)
Father: Why are you so complicated? We realize that we are hidden things that we hide from us. We are your family, "We give you so ashamed?
I : No
Father: We know that you go out with someone, why not bring it home
I : I go out with a girl
Father: Why are you doing this?
I :?
Father: What did we do wrong?
I :? Father
: Who's that bitch that you are doing so wrong?
I : ¿¿¿???¿¿¿???¿¿¿???
Father: I tell you this for your sake, people are ruthless and do not look kindly on the lesbians
I : I'm trans. I am a man
Father: You're a monster, a hybrid. 're Crazy and you have a psychiatric clinic internarte
Mother: I know everything, you are my daughter
I : I am a man, I have female body is a reality, but that does not mean to be a man
Mother: I am a bear

'm a man, the acceptance of my environment with my old winters, my dni insists that my name is Maria Emilia and the reallocation process is long and requires a lot of money. I can work as a man, be comfortable but in black and not even pay the rent, or present dni, "rely on labor laws" but have a bad time.

When I stand at work, in college, when I go to the doctor, many times I have no choice but to resign myself to "play? to Maria Emilia and I feel I'm out of my life ...
all this because the process to be part of my life involves coming out again in each of these areas you can attend, to be me, to make and having genuine friends, but the truth: I did not do anything right ... then it strikes me that perhaps this could be a contribution and to take into account if they cross one day with someone who speaks of gender dysphoria. Greetings. B.


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