This country never ceases
of surprised. The downside is that ultimately it is only worse. Has been in the news these days, the famous "Rafiki" I have never been arrested for theft at a house in Benalmadena. The only question to be asked is: What was this guy on the street? Is it that we've gone crazy?
We must not, nor can we forget that this criminal was arrested in 2003 for violating, trampling and killing in cold blood and in a particularly brutal to a girl who was kidnapped, and ended her days burned alive. That was the culmination of a history of misdeeds and crimes covered in the minority. The price to pay for it? 4 years in prison. What price is a life.
now on probation, but on the street after all, has re-offended. Anyone else that seems like a milonga that everyone can rejoin society? From my point of view, this guy should spend the rest of his days locked up, working from dawn to dark for the benefit of the community and the object of systematic torture that made life hell. Hustler, wishing death would not you, it is profitable to be productive until one day eventually rot, and we all celebrate. Or at least I do.
But of course this is nothing more than a utopia. The justice of this country does not work. Matar come cheap si eres menor de edad. En unos años vuelves a pisar la calle, si es que llegan a encerrarte. Pero las víctimas no vuelven. ¿Atenuamiento de condena por buena conducta? En casos como este, yo digo: prisión de por vida, torturas, trabajos forzados. Y con "de por vida" quiero decir hasta que el reo muera.
De todas formas, hay aún otra noticia que me ha revuelto el estómago. El "Rafita" ha tenido el privilegio de ser entrevistado en televisión. Al principio no me lo creía, pero entonces vi qué cadena es la responsable de semejante esperpento: Telecinco. Me pregunto si no habrá leyes contra este tipo de actuaciones, pero claro, volveríamos al tema de la justicia. Si hay they simply appeal to the ethics and morals, Telecinco not expect anything. And paid a thief, and now a murderer. Luckily I do not just television, it surely would be more pissed off than I am. If you want a faithful viewer in me, should relay the hell of "Rafiki" day by day, in my utopian world if measures were implemented to argue, to the reality show. Instead of nominations, limb amputations. Instead of evidence, beatings. Is a very Telecinco style, and I would all day glued to the screen.